Monday, November 18, 2013

thoughts on the french system

Well so far things have been quite different from what would or might be normal at home
The no towel thing for example.
The building seems shabby, but C explains that this is very french .  They  have a good medical reputation, their operating rooms are first rate and they are very concerned with infection. She pointed out that while I was having my ECG and Echo, the doctor chatted with her and our translator about restaurant, parties he had attended, food he liked etc.  She said, that they often show this in movies but it is not unreal, but actually what usually happens.
They prioritise their spending.. making a luxurious waiting room is not their style.. or a luxurious entrance way.. instead it is all very utilitarian.

I am in this nice very clean room, with a pretty uncomfortable bed.. but it does have the ability to go up and down top and bottom.. there is a colourful striped cover .  There are no pictures on the white walls, nor carpets, it is probably fake hardwood floors, like my kitchen.. there is a small desk with a chair, a large stool and a comfortable large chair. A small night table and a closet.  You have he feeling that it is pretty germ free.
  The doctor when he did come in said he was sorry to keep us waiting but he had had a clinique with unpredictable hours due to the variety of the patients.
He shook my hand and then spent half an hour talking to me and
c about the method  and what he hopes will be the result.  He examined my knee thoroughly and then said that he thinks the only option is to replace the knee..

this word replace in french which has a similar word confused the anaesthetist.. who thought I was having the old prothesis out and a new one put in..

But at least my last name seems to have taken hold in the minds of my immediate care givers.

I have had my bentadine wash for the night, and a nice night nurse came in to introduce herself  and to give me a sleeping pill.. she said do not take these after mid night.

I have a buzzer and a control for the blinds and a control for the lights.    It is after 9 at night and I have been awake since 3 am. I think I may take this pill.

ps  supper.. an omelette, green beans, horrible soup and two oranges..  we dumped the soup down the sink as the smell alone finished us.. but the rest was good.
(no wine, no coffee, no tea)

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