Tuesday, November 19, 2013

disappearing titles

well I started a post and left it for a moment and now it has gone into the mystery land of things that disappear. 
I think I ws writing about what the surgeon said.
when we discussed prothesis C asked him what kind, and how would it move, apparently there are two kinds ,, probably more, but we only knew 2,  one that just moves up and down and another which does that plus side by side  yes .. I will be getting the 4 movement one. up, down, side to side.   He thinks think prothesis should last at least 15 years, depending on the activity.  I am not a foot baller…etc. 
The one they use has a long track record.. chrome  plus.. something.. 

I have lots of nice email s this morning, two from canadian children  full of chat, the eldest who loves to paint ws full of her great excitement over her physics class and  her engineering class.  I will just paste into this message her chat about her robot package. 

" have to build a robot and compete in a sumo-wrestling robot competition. Along with the robot, we have to keep blog-entries of all the times we get together to build it. Here's the url if you want to see the site, and by december we should have some pictures of the robot up

Lots of messages from on and off island friends  thank you all.  Will soon have to go and wash my hair with this beta dine stuff..

I woke up very disoriented,  lights on, both nurses looking at me, speaking french, taking blodd pressure, temperature etc.  for a few moments thought it was dog and children..

weak tea and funny juice have arrived.. would imagine that is it.. until sometime later.

it is now 0945

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