Sunday, February 23, 2014


ONE GETS USED TO WRITING IN THE BLOG.. AS I SAY LIKE A DIARY.. BUT NOW THAT LIFE, I HOPE IS GOING TO RETURN TO NORMAL SHALL I CONTINUE TO POST STUFF? the Knee is far from finished.. so there will be news bout its progress.. but aside from that it will be just stuff about my life here.. If there is a desire for me to continue.. let me know .. either comment on the blog or write me on email.

third night of being at home

We ll the return journey was different. When I went through Passport Kontrol in Germany they officer looked at my passport for quite a while and then said, who did you get permission from? Permission for what said I ? My daughter wanted me to stay longer.. so I stayed.. said I. Finally it transpired that I should have only stayed 90 days. I was amazed having stayed in Europe over the many years of visiting for long lengths of time, much longer than 90 days. The attendant who was with me said, well they have 4 choices.. jail, or large fine. or restricted from visiting Europe for 2 years, OR maybe they will just let you go. The supervisor was called and after a conflab they said. well as you were only in Germany 2 hours on either side and you were in and out of Switzerland and France we are just going to stamp your passport and let you go… I kept thinking of the problems .. first of all, what would have happened to the dog? What about all the arrangements for people picking me up etc etc. Anyhow.. reasonableness prevailed. Apparently this is something to do with what they call the shengen agreement. It is newish.. like 4 to 5 years old.. and has to do with Switxzerland which is not a member of the eec.. but who has a tax free status or something. On arrival in Yvr.. there were a series of mixups. Thedoors at the end of the ramp leading up to the body of the airport were locked.. and altho there was someone on the other side she said she did to have the authority to open the doors… eventually the whole plane load of people were standing waiting for the doors to be opened. I was waiting for a wheel chair. EVentually me and 3 other ladies waited on a bench 45 minutes later we moved on in a cart. When we got to the baggage carousel there were very few bags.. there had been a blockage .. and so another 45 minutes passed.. the last bags to come off were the business class bags. Meanwhile I could see Anna in her crate peacefully waiting. I phoned Linda, thank heavens for cell phones.. and was able to reassure her that I was there but waiting. Finally bags came.. walked to check out when the woman stopped and asked if the dog had been checked. No.. so off we went to another section of the airport where finally an officer took pity of me and pushed us through. So the plane landed at 1130 and I left the airport at 1330. After that every thing went very smoothly. Home by 530.. a friend came and helped to unload. I looked with dismay at the 4 months worth of mail.. another friend had left a seafood gumbo for me.. I climbed into bed at about 1930 . and slept through most of the night. SUNDAY\Woke this morning to a snow storm. Large flakes falling straight down. Phone call from colleague with whom I work the water pump houses.. she has the most terrible cold, has had it for 3 weeks.. would I please go up and check not eh temperature of the pump houses… Got me out of the house, took the dog for her morning run. SATURDAYYesterday saturday, walked to get eggs.. and then watched a lot of The Fringe,on net flux.. am not sleeping during the day.. had two people to dinner, fish. Friday morning woke at 7 and decided to go to town. Did big shop, bought lots of fish.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday night

Packed.  Cannot believe it. Twisted my other leg,,,am hobbling
Thank heavens I arranged a wheel chair
Weather looks good
All should go well for trip
Up at 0400

Curtains and cakes and celebrations


Well the dogs crate is in the hallway and funnily enough the dog immediately went into it.. but now it is washed and vacuumed.. hopefully all the debris from chickens and dust etc have been removed. I can hardly believe that I am leaving.. it has been so comfortable here. Yesterday was a great day with the twins performing at their school assembly along with their class mates. It was so strange to see Ciara, lanky, blonde, keeping to the rear trying not to bring attention to herself.. I was taken back to an earlier time and say Sarah, my eldest.. who at the same age would have behaved exactly the same.. they have the same hair colur and body shape.. whereas Naomi was front and centre.. making up plays and words and funny.. she lead the dancing and has fabulous rhythm The best present for them was James coming home and in feat trepidation we waited his opinion on the curtains.. he was delighted!! The bunny cake was well received and in carnivorous joy we ate the bunnies ears and legs and arms. The twins each got scooters and today are out scooting along.. it is terrific exercise. I am making the lunch as C is with G at the dentist.. this being wednesday the little ones do not have school. Gemma has a half day. I am packing.. reluctantly.

Monday, February 17, 2014

the twins birthday…

This is part of the reason for my staying on until late february, Anna went up stairs to wake them up and some of their presents were hidden in her bed. The clues as to where the presents were … poor anna her bed is so uncomfortable time is ticking by.. ( so it was in the bottom of the grandfather clock) I had to make brownies for the class, the birthday person is allowed to bring cake to class for the recess. Then this evening we will have chocolate roulade cake stuffed with nutella whipping cream.. At lunch C is to make a bunny cake.. The best thing will be that James comes home this afternoon from Chicago and that will make them happy to have their Dad for the celebration. At english school this afternoon they are putting on a play so we are all going, we are picking up James at the airport and taking him straight to the school. Yesterday we hung the new curtains, a friend came over and installed the hardware but we found that the colour of the curtain rod was too cold so we rushed off and changed it for brushed copper.. it looks much better. The curtains make the room look finished. I shall try and take photos which may do them justice. Now only two evenings before I leave. Dreading the very early morning start on thursday.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

the weekend

Well on thursday C and I had to go shopping.. groceries etc but more importantly we looked for fabric to make more costumes for another school event, finding nothing suitable we went to a boutique designer store and there, much to the delight of C were drapes/curtains .. already made up and for 50% off. These curtains were an arm and a leg .. even with the reduction and one pair in particular C had been looking at for 3 years! So we settled down while a nice young shop assistant brought us all the curtains for sale.. these curtains hang on a straight rod , the curtain s have large grommets imbedded in the top of them. There also was a cushion that looked in the shop like it would go perfectly with her new sofas.. so we bought 5 curtains and the huge cushion… but within seconds of being in the house one could see that the cushion simply would not do.. so back it went. Friday C and the the class of the twins went skiing. It was cold wet and at about 3 pm C phoned asking that put on the sauna. So when she came home and after putting away all the ski equipment, dived into the sauna. Then wih the twins having a sleep over, Gemma at orchestra we went Friday evening shopping for the hardware to hang up these curtains. Saturday we woke to a "ƒøne" in others words a chinook.. the temp was plus 16 and the wind was strong bbut warm. But by the evening the wind got even stronger, the dog decided it was evil and would not go out in it.. the house groaned, the fire place chimney sort of howled and this morning, sunday we woke to smasses of new snow on the Jura and the temperature is at 0. We are going out to the neighbours for lunch and then there are only 4 evening meals before I catch the plane for home.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

steam ovens and apologies for MINT MONT BLANC

When I am baking I have discovered that the steam oven has a setting called professional baking..I made a cake yesterday and today a lemon loaf and C said.. you put the item into the steam without preheating. So I did. The steam come on immediately for a while and then the heat begins. apparently the steam aids in the rising of the item.. obviously would be great for bread making. Anyow.. so far the items have emerged cooked and fine. Interesting eh?

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

School gates

School playground with pol larded. Trees

One small church

This is the only church in the village and you can hear the bells calling the faithful several times during sundayand early I the morning most days

This is the small tower on top of the children's school

Mint Blanc

Usually there is a cloud covering the top of mint Blanc but not yesterday

Thursday. A week to day

This doorway we pass daily 4 times at least and over head it dates 1839It was a beautiful day yesterday so went for a long walkw with dog and my iPad so that I could take some photos of some of the buildings with dates imprinted over head, I did not go up to the farms on the mountain where I know the dates begini the 1700 s
But still there r some that r interesting,

Ciara making a date for the afternoon

Monday, February 10, 2014


rain.. torrents of rain.. so wet that C actually picked the girls up from school at noon.. fed the extra children and then C and I went out to SHOP for new flooring for her study and the bedroom I am occupying Made potato latkes for supper for the children with bacon and broccoli and shepherd pie for adutls.. it really apparently should be called cottage pie as it does not contain lamb but was made with left over beef. hence cottage pie. Upon looking up the recipes there were several articles written about the origin of the terms. I also wrote to Ken Follett today, not that he will come to a smart stand still and say.. my heavens.. but I was upset when he referred to a character in his book The Winter of the World , a women, being a Rhodes Scholar.. Women were not allowed, or should I say eligible to apply for the Rhodes Scholarship until 1977… I hate it when facts which are easily checked are allowed to slip.. is that the job of the editor? I know from personal experience that Women were not eligible as a very very good friend worked very hard in order to qualify, had top marks.. was good at sports etc.. and when she sent in her application was told.. no women need apply. This was in the '50s. And his book is set in the 30s and 40st.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Art class results

CNaomi did this one

Ciara did this one

sunday 9 feb

February is the month of birthdays now three have passed with today being my eldest grand daughters, she is now 17. Yesterday here in France the eldest became a teenager, now 13, her father is teasing her describing her in the following manner.. teenager opening fridge door, looking and saying duhhhhh. etc. In actual fact she had two girls over for the evening, home made pizza and a cake made to look like the Tardis.. at nearly midnight they were in the sauna and this morning they actually slept until late. Sending presents long distances is easy with all the on line services but timing is not always the greatest. Today sunday it is catch up with homework. Masses of it and long hours by parents and children. The life is complicated by having the two disciplines to catch up with, long essays now in english and then grammar questions, long and complicated in french. At the moment this is the 5th hour of constant homework and it is math. I am learning to enjoy rugby. James is watching it in-between the olympics, France is beating the heck out of Italy and it is interesting to watch the game.. fast moving and lots of gorgeous strong legs of the men. Some of them wear a head covering, a padded helmet which they tie under their chin. Apparently it is the players individual choice, but it does help against concussion. The english are thrilled to have won a first medal ever won on "snow" '"

Friday, February 7, 2014

Naomi the Corpse Bride

Little boy Paulo from next door, Ciara a pokemon figure, dog being crushed in hug from Naomi

Grandma crimped  my hair I did not want my photo taken

friday 7th feb

Well this morning we woke to the weather promised for the beginning of the week, but thankfully did not materialise. Sleety rain and wind and cold. Yesterday I went out to two restaurants. At lunch we took our friend up to the mountain view place called The Bois Joli which has a great view and homey food. We had a Tartiflette which is potatoes bacon and roblochon cheese all cooked together which is served with a green salad and a white wine. One is told that is you do not have wine , but drink water your tummy will be revolted and you will have problems. Then C drove our guests to Bellegarde to catch the train to Paris. In the evening I went with James to a micheiin starred restaurant where the interesting menu offered some nice options. YOu could have the complete menu with 7 courses and wine for each dish.. plus complicated desserts Or you could have 2 or 3 or 4 choices from the menu with wines for each dish plus dessert. We had 2 plates. The first for me was a white fish called Bar. I am missing fresh fish terribly and when I get back to the island intend to eat quite a bit of fish. This dish came with one oyster and was cooked in a red white sauce, which was good, a few veg, and the fish was about 3 inches long. My second dish was a piece of foie gras on top of pork tenderloin in a sauce.. which was ok. the desserts came as a platter and in quite small servings you got chocolate mousse, creme brule, and others similar.. each about 3 spoons worth. It was a fun evening This evening is carnival, I thought it was the beginning of Lent but am very wrong, as Lent does not start until mid March, Easter is very late this year. But this is a precursor to Lent which is a party held by the parents of the school as a fund raiser. C is making a quiche and has had to be quite inventive about costumes. I will try and include some costumes photos.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

thursday comments

just READ my comment which was done on my iPad and as usual there are masses of errors.. I have been trying to eliminate the common errors but apparently on the iPad am not so successful.. so sorry.

Wonderful visit

Our family have been friends since '69 which is a long friendship.  They r like me getting a little elderly
But still they took the trai to here
today Thursday I slept longer than them and Naomi gave them fast, she made tea and laid out fresh bread.  C was away with the dog Nd the reason Naomi was home was because she hD another doctors appt
At about ten c drove one of our guests to CERN where James had arranged him to meet with various leaders and the to go to lunch.    C and I took our friend for lunch where the view is breath taking
We reminisced
All sort of stories we nice

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

well it was worth it

My friends arrived and immediately upon seeing them I knew that I was so glad they came. So far we have had a wonderful visit. I did not make yorkshire pudding…. having that off my shoulders it meant that I could relax and enjoy the meal and the visit.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

wednesday /TOMBOLA SALES

A Tombola is a raffle ticket. The twins have a book of twenty to seek at 2 euros each. There is a prize for the person who sells the most and so the minute these little books were handed out Ciara and Naomi started their sell technique.. and in less than half an hour sold most of them, only conning Grandma into 3 each. They spend their time now counting the money making sure that it is all there and then starting all over again. Today my friends come from Paris, and somehow the extra work seems daunting and I hope the pleasure of their visit is not undone by the work . They really are very easy people but the chaos of the house on wednesday is something to get used to, but as grandparents of 14 and parents of 5.. I know they will just be fine. Finally the parcel for Thalia in Canada arrived, I traced the tracking until it was said to that the parcel was on the front porch It is a standing globe. I think a globe gives you such a better perspective of the world and if is on a stand then it can go anywhere and does not need desk space. I just hope she likes it and does not think me mad. So nice to get emails from friends that are not involved with the politics of the island.. I gather the weather is getting cold,or colder. Here altho it was expected to be awful the sky is clear and the views wonderful.

tuesday 4 feb..

The weather as promised has turned foul, rain sheeting down and I have to go out in it. The children left in their wet weather gear and the dog came home soaking. I have given France Surgery the address of this blog allowing them to show November and December. But really a blog is in the public domain so anyone can read it if they can access it. France Surgery which is the company through which I organised my surgery was just a fledging when I began to deal , but now they have expanded what they can do for clients. For example they have good discount rates with Lufthansa for their medical clients They are arranging long term recovery accommodation near rehab hospitals and their marvellous thalasa spas. They have a couple from Montreal who recently had hip replaced through their auspices and they are now recovering on the Riviera near a Rehab clinic in a house they rented for them.. So they are becoming more and more able to deal with clients from abroad. We were running out of milk just before closing time so rushed to the local store which only had preserved (long life, not to be confused with tinned milk) and the coffee tastes a bit odd.

Monday, February 3, 2014

monday.. and good results with amazon

Today is the birthday of one of my grand children and I sent her off via a present , I was given the tracking number and the arrival date, but apparently the parcel was left on the front porch and was stolen from that porch.. I contacted Amazon, chat mail, and they reimbursed me plus when I ordered another they paid one day delivery.. then. for another grand child I ordered something form this came damaged, no problem return it.. but the cost of the postage from France to the UK was really the cost of the item, but no matter, again from chat line they agreed to reimburse the postage.. hurrah for good public relations. We went out for Indian food on sunday lunch, had a splendid meal, joined up with another family, the fifteen year old boy sitting beside me ordered food which made him and James sweat.. the fifteen year old said that he has always loved hot food. His Mother said that when he was young he once swallowed, by mistake, a spoon of hot, very hot, salsa, and said,.. wow that is good. I wonder if one is born without a sensitivity.. or did he really like it? No rain today altho the week is supposed to be awful weather wise. We are expecting friends from Paris and C bought a wonderful roast of beef and wants me to make yorkshire pudding..maybe? not sure I will manage. The children here say that they hope that 20th february never comes.. (i.e… missing dog already)

Saturday, February 1, 2014

early sunday

well yesterday the skiing went well.. all downhill.. so lot of upping and downing.. then they went out for a fancy meal and had a great time. Home about 6 in the evening.. what to feed them ? always a question. James likes to eat late after getting all his chores done and the children in bed.. and this is ok but a little hard on the digestion. Eating at about 9 at night makes for an uneven sleep. Poor Mary T having the flu. Sounds awful. hopefully we have had what ever we are going to get. the crazy notice board is to the brim with long , very long, letters.. really too long. Maybe we are victims of watching Sesame Street.. where you get information in short bursts. These long bursts.. ???

saturday evening.

Everybody home.. Gemma is on Skype with her cousins Gabriela.. great hilarity. There were pleadings for others to sleep over but Mom said no.. made french onion soup..for adults.. steak and potatoes for children.. is there something wrong with this scenario?

blue sky.. lovely mountains.. clearly etched.

Woke a little late , James up, and when the rest got up the blue sky called them. Gemma, Ciara and James are off to the Alps .. will be gone for the day. Catriona cleaning the ovens… lousy job but while the horrible stuff was working we went shopping for materials for Naomi's costume for Carnival.. ( the beginning of lent) and organic products.. We then met up with a friend who has the young sammy puppy.. I closely looked at this wee thing and concluded that she must be finished being in heat as there is very little sign left. 'thank heavens…This is a very small puppy and cannot imagine her carrying a litter. We had coffee in a new bakery place and I do not think I have ever tasted such awful coffee.. told C it was not potable.. so we ordered a large jug of steamed milk which drowned the taste. The husband of our friend was flying home on easy jet and they refused to allow him on the plane because his picture page of his passport is torn. So he is on his way on eurostar Apparently the airline company will be fined if he is not accepted at this final destination. This is the first day of February, and the real count down to my return begins. I am wondering if I should ask someone to put my boat back into the water before I get home? I am so grateful to so many people I cannot thank everyone enough.