Saturday, February 1, 2014

blue sky.. lovely mountains.. clearly etched.

Woke a little late , James up, and when the rest got up the blue sky called them. Gemma, Ciara and James are off to the Alps .. will be gone for the day. Catriona cleaning the ovens… lousy job but while the horrible stuff was working we went shopping for materials for Naomi's costume for Carnival.. ( the beginning of lent) and organic products.. We then met up with a friend who has the young sammy puppy.. I closely looked at this wee thing and concluded that she must be finished being in heat as there is very little sign left. 'thank heavens…This is a very small puppy and cannot imagine her carrying a litter. We had coffee in a new bakery place and I do not think I have ever tasted such awful coffee.. told C it was not potable.. so we ordered a large jug of steamed milk which drowned the taste. The husband of our friend was flying home on easy jet and they refused to allow him on the plane because his picture page of his passport is torn. So he is on his way on eurostar Apparently the airline company will be fined if he is not accepted at this final destination. This is the first day of February, and the real count down to my return begins. I am wondering if I should ask someone to put my boat back into the water before I get home? I am so grateful to so many people I cannot thank everyone enough.

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