Sunday, February 16, 2014

the weekend

Well on thursday C and I had to go shopping.. groceries etc but more importantly we looked for fabric to make more costumes for another school event, finding nothing suitable we went to a boutique designer store and there, much to the delight of C were drapes/curtains .. already made up and for 50% off. These curtains were an arm and a leg .. even with the reduction and one pair in particular C had been looking at for 3 years! So we settled down while a nice young shop assistant brought us all the curtains for sale.. these curtains hang on a straight rod , the curtain s have large grommets imbedded in the top of them. There also was a cushion that looked in the shop like it would go perfectly with her new sofas.. so we bought 5 curtains and the huge cushion… but within seconds of being in the house one could see that the cushion simply would not do.. so back it went. Friday C and the the class of the twins went skiing. It was cold wet and at about 3 pm C phoned asking that put on the sauna. So when she came home and after putting away all the ski equipment, dived into the sauna. Then wih the twins having a sleep over, Gemma at orchestra we went Friday evening shopping for the hardware to hang up these curtains. Saturday we woke to a "ƒøne" in others words a chinook.. the temp was plus 16 and the wind was strong bbut warm. But by the evening the wind got even stronger, the dog decided it was evil and would not go out in it.. the house groaned, the fire place chimney sort of howled and this morning, sunday we woke to smasses of new snow on the Jura and the temperature is at 0. We are going out to the neighbours for lunch and then there are only 4 evening meals before I catch the plane for home.

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