Tuesday, February 4, 2014

wednesday /TOMBOLA SALES

A Tombola is a raffle ticket. The twins have a book of twenty to seek at 2 euros each. There is a prize for the person who sells the most and so the minute these little books were handed out Ciara and Naomi started their sell technique.. and in less than half an hour sold most of them, only conning Grandma into 3 each. They spend their time now counting the money making sure that it is all there and then starting all over again. Today my friends come from Paris, and somehow the extra work seems daunting and I hope the pleasure of their visit is not undone by the work . They really are very easy people but the chaos of the house on wednesday is something to get used to, but as grandparents of 14 and parents of 5.. I know they will just be fine. Finally the parcel for Thalia in Canada arrived, I traced the tracking until it was said to that the parcel was on the front porch It is a standing globe. I think a globe gives you such a better perspective of the world and if is on a stand then it can go anywhere and does not need desk space. I just hope she likes it and does not think me mad. So nice to get emails from friends that are not involved with the politics of the island.. I gather the weather is getting cold,or colder. Here altho it was expected to be awful the sky is clear and the views wonderful.

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