Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Well the dogs crate is in the hallway and funnily enough the dog immediately went into it.. but now it is washed and vacuumed.. hopefully all the debris from chickens and dust etc have been removed. I can hardly believe that I am leaving.. it has been so comfortable here. Yesterday was a great day with the twins performing at their school assembly along with their class mates. It was so strange to see Ciara, lanky, blonde, keeping to the rear trying not to bring attention to herself.. I was taken back to an earlier time and say Sarah, my eldest.. who at the same age would have behaved exactly the same.. they have the same hair colur and body shape.. whereas Naomi was front and centre.. making up plays and words and funny.. she lead the dancing and has fabulous rhythm The best present for them was James coming home and in feat trepidation we waited his opinion on the curtains.. he was delighted!! The bunny cake was well received and in carnivorous joy we ate the bunnies ears and legs and arms. The twins each got scooters and today are out scooting along.. it is terrific exercise. I am making the lunch as C is with G at the dentist.. this being wednesday the little ones do not have school. Gemma has a half day. I am packing.. reluctantly.

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