Thursday, January 30, 2014


It has been decided that as much as possible I am going to go to the place where the physio has her "cabinet" an office of a sort with a consulting room and a small gym with equipment in order to give me a better work out. The problem is timing, so twice a week she can drop me off, but the other day C will have to pick me up, it is just a bit too far to walk back to the house. The physio manipulated the non operated leg yesterday .. she is a kinesiologist, and often she seems to make one move in minute ways. I was amazed how much the other leg was affected by her , an example…you assume the position of a lunge, holding still in the position, the physio on her knees, she puts her and behind the knee and pulls but not a lot and then pushes in the front and then with hr fingers pushes side to side.. she does this movement say 10 times in a minute.. but it kind of destabilised the old knee . Shall have to talk to her about it when she I go this morning. She has two young children and C has given her old car seats to her.. she is amazingly grateful. The snow is nearly all gone, a small snow man is the only testament. Went to the shopping centre for groceries and for me to get some money out of the banking machine. Insead of money I got a message saying I should contact my bank.. always a heart stopping message. Anyhow it turned out that I had, many years ago, made an arrangement to limit the amount of money I could remove from the bank in a day , and asking for 300 euros..exceeded the limit. I had not thought to reduce the amount I asked for.. but will next time. Gemma is writing in french an essay on the development of the romanesque style in churches. So all evening we have been buttressed with questions. As C said, the definitive development was the flying buttress, allowing for more light. Think of the Rose Window in Notre Dame in Paris. ed My friends are coming from Paris next week to visit me.. James has arranged a nice tour of Cern and lunch with the chief of research for the husband , who was a colleague of Henrys. I will be home all next week said James but then he is gone for 10 days. Now looking on line for colourful cushions, EBAY is a remarkable source.

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