Sunday, January 12, 2014

sunday 12 january/new pain

Well this is the day C usually goes to the market and buys the weeks supply of meat etc I am planning t0 make a cassolet for the mountain comber.. but as I was working at the stove a terrible sharp pain invaded right into the middle of the knee operated cap. It was quite awful. I stopped what I was doing immediately,got ice.. put leg up and wondered what what was happening Catriona was off for a long walk with the dog and friends and the children were with me and I was planning to have dinner on the table when she came home.. but I abandoned all thought of that and got on to the internet to check what might be the cause. I probably over did it yesterday.. too many stairs were climbed.. too long on the bike, too many walks.. knew my leg was very tired and I was icing it saturday ight.. but this new pain was something els.e I am to go to the Osteopath tomorrow .. he is a marvellous person and usually fixes any back aches I may get.. and so am hoping that he will be able to figure something out. Meanwhile I am staying pretty still, icing.. leg and back on the pain killers.. had been off them for a few days. will keep you all up to date. the poor physio will be upset as she keeps warning me to go slowly.

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